Using Astrology to understand the simulation we are living in

It is my own opinion that we are all living in a simulation, a very convincing simulation. This would be like a human computer simulation displayed on a computer monitor or a headset, but different because with this simulation instead of viewing it by looking at it, we experience this simulation through our senses and decode the raw data with our brains.

We literally look within to experience this simulation. I say this because, for all sensory experiences, we process the input and display it inside of our brain. So for example, when you are scanning the environment with the photo-receptors in your eyes you are processing this raw data in your brain.

Each photon of incoming light creates an electrical charge in the optic nerve inside of your eye. The optic nerve is comprised of approximately 770,000 to 1.7 million nerve fibers that channel an electrical charge which can be interpreted by special circuits in your brain. In short, you have to look inward to sense the outside environment.

So, my opinion as a clairvoyant astrologer is that the frame by frame timeline of your life is being generated moment by moment by a simulation and we can examine your timeline instance with astrology. As I have said in other blog posts, astrology is a divination tool that enables humans to decode cyclic patterns expressed in the natal horoscope.

The embedded video is well done. I think The Why Files does a great job of explaining why some including myself believe we are living in a simulation. This YouTube content creator and the talking gold fish give us enough background and scientific proof to support the theory that we live in a simulation that I believe can be decoded with astrology.

I think other divination tools also enable humans to “crack the code” of the simulation and extract meaning turning the abstract into something we can understand but astrology is great because we can literally see the repeating patterns reflected in the planets of the solar system like a gigantic cosmic clock.

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